90% of my brain is lyrics

Σάββατο 1 Αυγούστου 2015

Λοιπόν, πήγα Λονδίνο έβρεχε και έκανε πολύ κρύο αλλά ήταν ωραία. Γυρίσα Ελλάδα και είναι το άλλο άκρο. Δεν είναι κατάσταση αυτή!! Δεν υπάρχει κάτι ενδιάμεσο;;;!!

                                         London eye-η ροδίτσα του Λονδίνου

                                         όπως βλέπετε μ'αρέσει αυτό το αξιοθέατο πολύ....

                                                                Piccadilly Circus

                                                              London Bridge

                                                               Βρέξει χιονίσει...
                                                    Madame Tussaud's με μερικά δείγματα...

                               Η Madame Tussaud έκανε και τον εαυτό της κέρινο. Wow!

                              Τι δουλειά έχουν τα ρολόγια στο Βρετανικό μουσείο;;

                                                         Η στήλη της Ροζέτας

                                                        Katniss Everdeen

 Και όποιος είδε το Harry Potter και οι Κλήροι του Θανάτου ξέρει ότι αυτή η γέφυρα είναι σημαντική και λέγεται Millenium Bridge

Και όποιος διάβασε την σειρά Infernal Devices της Cassandra Clare ξέρει ότι αυτή είναι Blackfriar's Bridge.
Αυτά για σήμερα, κάνει πολύ ζέστη. Σαγιονάρα!!

Σάββατο 4 Ιουλίου 2015


Δευτέρα 6 Απριλίου 2015


And so we are here...closing in Eater and my newest creations are these:

The candle, which I made myself with a personal touch. You did see the angelic rune,right? From that you will understand I am still obsessing ;) I haven't read Blood of Olympus-though I have my copy waiting-because I had babysitting duties, it sucks don't try it unless you have no other choice. Insurgent's movie is out but I am afraid to see it but in the end you know I will. For Easter I am going to an island called Serifos,it's close to "home" only 2 hours trip. And the big news is...for summer I am going to England!!! Yes!! I will empty the bookstores and the fandom stores!! Any idea where are the best of them? Feel free to make suggestions!! And my newest purchase is this:

 Can you tell what is this? I will give you 10 minutes to guess and then I will tell you. Don't peak!!

And it is a book and a bag= a book bag. I was after book bags a long time but they are not cheap that is why I never had the chance to buy one but this one was only 30 e :)

And now for TMI news:they decided to not make City of Ashes movie but tv series. Heavens!! At first everyone including me was relieved but now I am not so sure... The 1st movie's actors are all gone :'( and I liked them so much!! Then, the characters will be 2 years older than they are supposed to be. Filming will begin in May once they have found actors to play. These are their suggestions http://www.mtv.com/news/2123240/shadowhunters-tv-show-casting/ which they couldn't be more wrong, except one or two.
You can be informed quickly in here

Updates soon...I guess.

Lastly, I saw 2 seasons of Beauty and the Beast. They are amazing!! If you don't know what I am talking about go see it immediately http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2193041/
 and I am continuing with Supernatual with the 10th season on the roll. I love it!! :)

 I have to go now,we 'll talk soon! :)