You are very clever and you think logically all the time. You love reading, and finding out interesting facts - just don't let your knowledge carry you away!
33.8346 % of 133 Quiz participants had this profile!
You could also get this result:
For 20 % you are: Well done, you got Amity!
You are happy and always smiling, no matter what, and you getting into any sort of fight is unheard of.
Or even this one:
For 20 % you are: Well done, you got Candor!
You always - ALWAYS - tell the truth with everything; you believe (as Christina's mother once said) 'Politeness is deception in pretty packaging'.
Or even this one:
For 20 % you are: Well done, you got Abnegation!
You are kind and helpful, and the thing that makes you most happy is seeing other people being happy.
Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: Well done, you got Dauntless!
You believe that cowardice and weakness are sins, and you would be ashamed to be any one of them. Although most Dauntless are nice people, sometimes you can be a bit brutal.
Take this quiz: Which Faction are you in? - Divergent
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